"The Alliance for Paired Donation can help. Kidney paired donation matches one incompatible donor/recipient pair to another pair in the same situation, so that the donor of the first pair gives to the recipient of the second, and vice versa. In other words, the two pairs swap kidneys . APD has also pioneered a new way of using altruistic, or good Samaritan, donors, so that the transplants no longer have to be performed simultaneously. Non-simultaneous Extended Altruistic Donor Chains (NEAD Chains ) allow donors to “pay it forward” after their loved one receives a transplant."
You can check out their website here for more information.
Please Please Please, if you are not an organ donor, become one! You won't need the organs once you are deceased - seriously. Think of all of the lives YOU could save with your organs - lungs, eyes, kidneys, liver, heart. There are so many people waiting for organs, from newborns to parents, and grandparents. All you need to do is check a box on your drivers license to save lives - it's that easy!! If you don't want to donate certain organs - that's fine too! Just make sure your wishes are known to your family - they can make them known if the time comes.
I have two Kidneys and only one Dad, the choice for me is easy - put yourself in that situation with anyone you love, What would you do?
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