Since the last post I passed the NCLEX and got a job as an RN on a busy telemetry floor, and - well there is no and - I haven't really done anything else! After being in nursing school for 2 years and having to constantly study or prepare for clinicals, I kind of like just going to work and coming home. There's really no preparing for your next shift ahead of time - except getting sleep!
Since I mentioned the NCLEX, I figure I should go into a little bit more detail. The one major thing to note is that it is a very very very stressful event. I know every teacher will tell you to calm down, take your time blah blah blah, but it's kind of hard to do that when you have been preparing 2 or 4 years for this moment (and had to pay a lot of money just to sign up for the test). AND you have a job offer riding on passing, and it would be totally humiliating to call your future boss and be like "Um ya, I failed, still want to hire me after I take this test again?" My stressful experience was exacerbated by this:
While I was waiting outside the door to the testing center, a girl comes up with a bag full of food. I was in the zone and didn't want to talk to anyone so I was a jerk and stood with my head down and didn't make any eye contact. An older gentleman walks up and makes a comment to her about how she looks like she's in it of the long haul. She replies with "ya, I am taking the NCLEX and it can last for up to 6 hours so I brought snacks." After this, I decided it wouldn't be too bad to talk to someone who is going through the exact same emotions that I am, so I broke the ice with something like "NCLEX? me too, when did you graduate?" She replied with "December (2013, it was September 2014), this is my 3rd time taking the test, I am trying out a new strategy so don't get frazzled if you hear me coming and going every 15 minutes or so during the test." Then my stomach sank to the floor and I got even more nervous than I was before! Her third time? UGGHHHH!!!
Anyways, I felt even worse when the computer shut off. I finished in about an hour and 10 minutes, got 75 questions exactly, thought my last question was super super easy and convinced myself that I failed. Then I felt even more confident that I failed when I walk into the lobby and who is sitting there munching away? Miss 3rd time! So I cried on my way home, while my husband is trying to convince me that I passed and that the last question type that I got statistically meant that I passed (according to google - and they are always right, right?). We all know I passed (kind of gave that away above), but it is just so nerve wracking having to wait for your test results. I went over every question that I could remember in my head for 2 days, and focused on the ones I knew I got wrong, which convinced me even more that I failed. I wish they could just give them to you right then and there!!!
I think that's all I have for now, I still am subscribed to ipsy, boxycharm and fab fit fun vip, although I think I might cancel some or all of them, I have so much makeup and samples and crap that I am overflowing, and the 31.00 per month for ipsy/boxycharm and 200/year for fabfitfun can be put towards a new vehicle for me.....which I desperately want! As long as I continue to get these I will try to put up review posts. I also want to put up a post about the MAC Cinderella collection, and maybe one about a few new things I got from E.L.F, and some product reviews/raves about a few things that I found that I think are now holy grail status for me.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading!
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