Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fab Fit Fun VIP box Unboxing

It finally came!!!!  The spring Fab Fit Fun VIP box is finally here, can you tell how excited I am?  I already know what is in the box, but to actually smell, feel, see the products in person has me super stoked!  Without further adieu, let me introduce you to the box.

The first thing you encounter is "The Better Chip" Spinach and Kale with sea salt corn chips.  Not sure how I feel about these, I eat spinach when it is in pasta or soup, but I have never had kale. You also get a coupon for $1.00 off 2 bags. I have never seen or heard of these here in Steubenville Ohio so I'm not sure I will be able to use the coupon but I will definitely report back on these!
Retail Price: $1.99

Next up is the Dermasuri Deep Exfoliating Mitt.  Here's what the company says about it:

"Bringing the secrets of the East to the West.  Exfoliate and revitalize your skin with Dermasuri deep exfoliating mitt.  Made with a unique fabric texture, our mitt catches and sloughs off dead cells and simply rolls it off your skin.  Reveal your healthy and smooth skin underneath, and rejuvenate your skin with Dermasuri."

Here are their "Claims":

- Smooth Skin Surface for even tanning and self tanning products
- Improve circulation, stimulate collagen, and fith aging
- Reduce ingrown hairs, bumps and clogged pores
- Help even skin tone and prevent dullness
- Absorb skin care products more effectively
- Remove Impurities and rejuvenate skin, leaving skin smooth and fresh

The directions tell you to soften your skin in a shower, bath or steam room for 5 minutes without soap, step away from the water, and use vigorous up and down strokes until you see dead skin cells roll away.  The more pressure the better the results. They recommend that it is rinsed and air dried, and use it every 2-4 weeks and replace every 6 months.  

I am super excited for this because I am very fair skinned and want to have a tan, I use self tanners and have a problem with dry skin.  I'll give it a try and post up a review!

Retail Price: $19.99

Next up is Level Naturals Shower Bomb.  You get 4 in the box and they have a menthol, eucalyptus smell.  These will be great for allergy season and clearing the sinuses.  Can't wait to try them!
Retail Price: $7.99

Now for one of my faves!!  Oscar Blandi Pronto Dry Shampoo in an aerosol can.  I have this in a bottle that you squeeze powder out of and I L.O.V.E. it.  It is the best dry shampoo I have ever tried.  I am super excited to try it in a spray form!!
Retail Price: $25.00

Next we have the Cult Gaia Turband.  It is a thicker headband that you tie any way that you want.  It has a wire in it so you can make the perfect bow, a rosette, or anything else your little heart desires with the ends of this (they are sticking up in the pic to demonstrate).  I received the cherry print and I love it!  Others have received polka dot or aztec print ones.
Retail Price: $48.00

This next product...I can not wait to try. I have heard a lot of great things about the CoverFx brand and I am so excited to get my hands on something from the line.  This is the CoverFx SPF Protection Primer.  I don't really use primers very often, but I think this is a keeper because of the high SPF.

Retail Price: $38.00

To start getting in shape for swimsuit season they sent us a Mini Stability Ball and DVD by Merrithew.  I am on a workout kick and am trying to go to they gym at least 5X a week so anything that can keep me home and give me a workout is worth a try.  

Retail Price: $28.94

Last but not least is the Kai Perfume Oil.  If you are not a fan of floral scents, then this is not for you.  It's described on their website as "A light and intoxicating blend of gardenia wrapped in white exotics." While I generally don't like a really floraly fragrance, I do like this one.  It is a concentrated oil, so a little bit goes a long way.  

Retail Price: $48.00
They say the grand total value of this box as $217.91.  Overall a great deal for a $49.99 investment!

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